Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Direction

When I originally created this blog it was going to be about food and recipes. After one measly little post, I created a blog about my kids through our mac account. It has been a year and we're not renewing our mac account so this blog will now take the place of me talking about my kids and life in general. As of now I have no followers so I'm mostly just writing this for me. I've started following a number of different blogs so I'm planning to use some of the same styles other bloggers have used. I'm excited for this new start, for learning new things and maybe making some blogging friends.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome to ME!

Hello!  I intend to make this a food blog because I have found much comfort and inspiration in reading other food blogs.  I'm not a trained chef, pastry or otherwise but I do enjoy cooking but mostly baking.  I don't have much time to bake so I don't know how often this will be updated or who will even read it but I thought I'd at least give it a try.  Here's to baking comfort food!